Ignite Fire Engineering offer a range of services both separately or combined to provide an integrated design outcome.
Compliance gap assessment:
Evaluate existing building fire safety features for compliance against the current building code; identify compliance gaps and develop an improvement strategy and an implementation plan to improve the level of fire safety in the building.
Fire engineering design:
Fire engineering calculations, modelling, and qualitative assessments in support of fire safety design solutions or specific elements of a building fire safety design.
Fire safety reports:
Document fire safety design in a report, including drawings, suitable for use by the design team to use for building consent purposes. Prepare a draft schedule of specified systems for building fire safety features and a fire safety design coordination checklist to assist Architects and Engineers make sure fire report requirements are integrated into their design documents.
Compliance gap assessment:
Evaluate existing building accessibility features for compliance against the current building code; identify compliance gaps and develop an improvement strategy and an implementation plan to improve accessibility in the building.
Accessibility reports:
Document the accessibility requirements in a report, including drawings, suitable for use by the design team to use for building consent purposes.
Performance specifications and drawings:
For existing buildings, determine what fire alarm system is currently installed, and its suitability to meet the revised/new fire design requirements. Consult with the Fire Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) on the location of fire-fighting equipment and prepare a fire services specification and scope of work drawing for tendering of works to fire services contractors.
Complete fire services design and specifications:
Test water mains suitability for building sprinkler and hydrant systems. Hydraulic design and working drawings for fire alarm and sprinkler systems for tendering to fire services contractors. Consult with FENZ about the location of fire-fighting equipment.
Peer reviews of fire designs:
Provide independent fire design peer review services of fire reports or specific fire design features and Producer Statements – design review (PS-2 statements) suitable for Building Consent Authority.
Construction monitoring:
Provide technical support to Construction Managers/Architects on matters relating to fire safety compliance. Undertake site inspections and provide Producer Statement – construction review (PS-4).
Technical advice:
Provide responses to the Building Consent Authority (BCA) on behalf of clients, on technical matters relating to fire safety compliance. Assist with the development of passive fire separation and fire stopping details and propose alternative passive fire solutions where tested systems are unable to be used. Review building products and assemblies for compliance with fire safety requirements e.g. exterior cladding systems.